The Tide talks business with Esperance’s young entrepreneurs

The Tide talks business with Esperance’s young entrepreneurs

We spoke to a couple of Esperance’s young entrepreneurs to share their journeys and tips, and inspire you to perhaps even start a business of your own.

Author: Jesse McCarthy-Price
Published: February 19, 2017

They say it takes a whole village to raise a child. And in Esperance, when that child has grown, they usually pack their backs for Perth and leave town.

But recent years have seen an inspiring bunch of Esperance-grown kids choose to stay put or return home to pursue their business dreams. Strengthened by the rest of us - a community that believes in buying local - these motivated young people are growing their grassroots businesses and adding vibrance to the business community.

We spoke to a couple of Esperance’s young entrepreneurs to share their journeys and tips, and inspire you to perhaps even start a business of your own.

Will Creed Esperance Tide

Will Creed, Will Creed Photography

Where did your interest in photography come from?

I saw it as a way to capture all the crazy moments that other people would otherwise overlook or never see. It was a way of documenting my adventures creatively, which excited me.

How do you use social media in your business?

Instagram particularly, is a way I can display my new work, continue to document my adventures and access an infinite array of inspiring content! It’s also very important for making contacts and promoting my products.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years time I want to be doing surf and travel photography for a living, with my photos featuring in magazines. I plan to keep doing what I love for as long as I can.

Brodeine & Deine Esperance Tide

Brodie Bratten, Brodeine & Deine

What motivated you to start your clothing label?

I’ve always dreamed of having my own clothing line and in 2015/2016 I had a lot of time on my hands in between jobs. So I thought now is the time to give it a go, instead always hoping and regretting it later in life for not trying. So I just went for it.

What have been the highs and lows of creating your first collection?

I wouldn’t say there has been low points - just a lot of learning experiences. There has been a lot of highs on this journey but two that stand out to me was seeing my first design come to life and the launch of Brodeine & Deine. Seeing everyone respond in such a positive way to my designs was just amazing!

What’s next for you and the label?

Right now I’m just looking forward to working on the next line, which will be released later this year. Learning more and continuing to grow.

Rick Graham Esperance Tide

Rick Graham, Dempster Street Barber Shop

Were you ever worried about your market?

To be honest, I wasn’t worried. I know the barbershop concept is an effective one and every town needs one. The response has been amazing, I’ve had some great support.

Do you feel like Esperance is moving in the right direction, business-wise?

Very much so! Tiff Brown summed it up pretty well in the latest Tide magazine. Esperance is getting busier and busier every year with tourism and a few locals are stepping up to the plate. Seriously, name a better place to open a business!

Would you like to see more young people start their own ventures?

Of course. We’re in a period of growth but we need more young enthusiasm to get the ball rolling faster. Take a risk, it’ll be bound to pay off.

What’s next for you and the barber shop?

There’s some really exciting stuff happening soon - sub letting half of my space in the coming month to some local legends and they’re setting the bar even higher. Watch this space!

Olivia Small Esperance Tide

Olivia Small, Kioo Jewellery

How did your business start out?

About a year ago, just after I finished school, I found myself with heaps of spare time on my hands. I started off trying to put my favourite crystal on a pendant and I grew a huge interest for the hobby. I was getting a lot of encouragement from my friends so I decided to have a one-off market stall. After almost selling out of all my stock, I decided I wanted to go further.

How do you deal with the cost of materials, and other overhead costs?

I have taught myself everything I know [so] through the first six months of experimenting I did spend a lot of money on materials I did not need. I now put all my Kioo earning towards materials. It is important to me, when someone purchases my jewellery, that it is the best I could possibly do.

Any tips for young people thinking about starting a business?

My top tip for people starting a business, is to stick to it. If you’re good at something you love doing, you’ve got nothing to lose!