The Tide Tastes: The Brekky Wrap Up

The Tide Tastes: The Brekky Wrap Up

Wrap me up in your love.

Author: Jackson Vincent
Published: February 27, 2018

I love breakfast, and the breakfast wrap is a miracle of modern fast food because it gives you a full English breakfast on the go. It’s as if someone decided to make the plate edible so we could wrap the whole thing up and take it with us. The breakfast wrap is a beautiful thing, so I decided to compile this list of my favourites to spread the love of all things delicious and handheld.

Bay Of Isles Lunch Bar

The Pocket Rocket and the Cheesy Boss

My first port of call is Bay Of Isles. Starting at $6, their wraps offer incredible value. With a wide range to select from, I’ve settled on my two favourites. The first is the hollandaise and baby spinach, which I nicknamed the ‘Pocket Rocket’ because you could fit it in your pocket, although I wouldn’t recommend it. A perfect combination of bacon, egg, hashbrown, hollandaise sauce and baby spinach, it’s my go-to wrap because it’s the perfect size and the price means I can justify eating one daily. The ladies seem to make these handful of joys every day to the exact same proportions and for that I take my hat off to them. For an extra dollar they will throw in some cheesy sausage, a wrap they call the ‘Cheesy Boss’. As I am my own boss and my sense of humour is indeed cheesy, this wrap resonates with my sense of self and so every now and then I indulge in its glory.

Lucky Roe Snack Bar

The BFW ‘Big F***ing Wrap’

Lucky Roe is a classic spot. It’s the place you go when you feel like getting your munch on early in the morning before work, or after a night out that put holes in your stomach and needs some grease to fill the void. Every truck driver and tradie in town frequents this spot because it offers one thing: bang for your buck. At $8, prepare yourself for a marathon breakfast. With a huge Turkish pita roll, hollandaise sauce, an entire pig’s worth of bacon and a carton of eggs—you could probably feed your whole squad with this beast of a wrap. My face should be mounted on the wall for successfully eating the entire thing. I recommend you make sure you have time for a nap afterwards, or a tonne of work to do with no lunch break. This is definitely one for the hardcore breakfast wrap enthusiast.

Aurelia’s Ice Creamery & Cafe

The ‘OMG, This Is So Good’

Aurelia’s wraps are indeed something special. They have by far the largest range of flavours to choose from. Get yourself a coffee and spend five minutes just deciding which wrap you would like, because they all look so freaking good. Beyond the basics, you can throw a sausage or rissole in the mix, or go all out with a pineapple and ham wrap. If you feel like getting your chargrill on, another great option is the mushroom and capsicum. At $9, this is a gourmet option but it’s extremely filling so you do get your money’s worth. The wrap itself is crusty and delicious and hits the spot on the days you feel like treating yourself to something special. Made with love, these wraps come highly recommended.

Sheldon Lunch Box

The Picasso’

The team at the Lunch Box put a lot of care and effort into everything they do and the first thing that struck me when I took a bite of this wrap was how well it had been layered. Put it this way, if Shrek knew about this wrap he wouldn’t have compared ogres to an onion. The wrap itself seems to fold in on itself and run through the middle, with the layers of bacon, egg and hash brown forming a spiral pattern resembling some kind of psychedelic art piece. With each bite you get that little bit extra of everything. At $7.50, this hollandaise wrap is a winning combination of value and craftsmanship. Just try not to get hypnotised while you eat it.