Tide Guide To Summer In Esperance

Tide Guide To Summer In Esperance

Fun in the sun.

Author: Demi Barker
Published: December 13, 2018

We all know Esperance is an amazing place to spend your summer. Summer in Esperance means spending any spare second at the beach escaping that hot sun. Whether it be swimming in the beautiful crystal clear water or wandering along the silky white sands, we all find our escape at the beach. But, we also know that the beaches can become very crowded and popular during this time too. Our favourite, ‘secret spots’ also become everyone else’s favourite ‘secret spots.’ But don’t worry, here is a guide to most overlooked spots to visit and explore in Esperance during the warmer months.

Hellfire Bay to Thistle Cove Walk

I’m not going to lie, this walk is a trek and takes about 3 hours for just one way. But honestly, it is so worth it. The scenery is truly breathtaking and you get to see a different side of Esperance that some people may never experience. The walk is about 15 kilometres in total and is classed under the ‘difficult’ category. So, just a fair warning before you think to go on a nice, light, leisurely stroll with your friends on a Sunday afternoon–it is tough, maybe plan for a day trip. But, don’t let this stop you, if you want to do something different this summer, try out the Hellfire to Thistle Cove walk, it goes through bush, over huge rock formations and onto the beach, so you’re never short of something to look at. Good luck!

Thistle Cove to Lucky Bay

Don’t fret, if strenuous bush walks aren’t for you, but you still want to visit beaches around the Cape Le Grand region, give the Thistle Cove to Lucky Bay walk a try. This walk only takes about 1 hour for one way and is more of your typical stroll. In summer this trail should be magical, especially around golden hour. Once again, the trail goes over some beautiful rock forms that overlook the ocean. Thistle Cove is a small beach and feels very secluded, so what more could you want on a hot summer’s day if Lucky Bay is too crowded? A beach all to yourself.

Lovers Cove Beach

Lovers Cove is located at the very bottom of Wireless Hill, near the lookout. It’s only accessible by hiking trail but is totally worth it. Just like Thistle Cover, Lovers is quite small so when you have this tiny beach to yourself, it feels like you are in your own little world. A top summer spot to set up a towel, picnic and relax with your family, friends or even a lover if you’re lucky.

Lake Warden

Lake Warden, the ‘pink lake’ us locals don’t want anyone to know about. Lake Warden is a salt lake and part of the protected nature reserve, and unlike Esperance’s town central Pink Lake, this lake is actually pink. Warden started to first turn pink in 2013, yet it is still unknown by so many of us. Why not see for yourself and give lake Warden a visit this summer for something different? It’s on our list.